23 March 2010

17 March 2010

Day 58 #Daily365 - The Hello Project Submission

my drawing being featured in 'The Hello Project". The Hello Project is an Online Social Collaboration giving you a chance to say "Hi" or "Hello" in an 3x3 Post-It Notes.
Be Sure to Send your best work! :D

06 March 2010

Nubby Twiglet

you know what, the last two year my day is almost full with nubby twiglet,
i love everthing about her site, her tips, her information, her design style, and of course her fashion style..as a designer i'm being spoiled by all the content in her site, it look likes she knows everything about my problem as a designer. Keep up the good work Nubby!

04 March 2010

Indonesian Graphic Novel

Saya baru saja membeli novel grafis :

yang pertama adalah Binatang Jatuh karya Erick Sulaiman

Yang kedua adalah Vienetta karya Alfi Zachkyelee yang sebelumnya pernah membuat grafis novel berjudul 2 Warna.

Sebenarnya saya bukan penggemar novel grafis Indonesia, tapi 2 buku novel grafis ini sepertinya pengecualian buat saya untuk membelinya..

Ayo cepat beli, kualitasnya luar biasa loh...

Day 53 #Daily365 - girls dancing II

03 March 2010